Warning: This is marquee scroll text message, the message is on the background.inc php code.
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This is the menu bar, add the links to it; to redirect to your pages. You can find the settings in menuitem.inc, or you can create your own.

Text goes here in newdata.inc file don't forget to deleted ($)sp in header, or your menuitems will be Double spaced.

Newpage Readme:

  Newpage is a start page for you to copy and insert your webpages, install the newpage.php in the root file of your website. Then copy the inc files in to the include folder, then edit the newdata.inc file to add a new page content. Your welcome to change the name of the inc and php files, change the name in the file for include folder. If you would like to add the pages in another folder add the settings.inc and background.inc to the folder, in the yourpage.php add the ../include/folder/newpage.inc to load your pages.

  Change all the includes this way, but not your yourpage.inc. In the inc files you see the .. in the include folder, this means the root folder of the website. As you can see i created a menuitem.inc and an menucom.inc, this is for the menu bar on the left of the screen. This is in newpage.inc in the html code, you can change the background color and text menu. The links are in the menuitem.inc, the bottom of the menu is menucom.inc. This is where you put your text in for other comments or information.

  This is another text file in the readme.inc file, the file is under the ($)read. Under the header, you can add a logo to the website. If you take off the sub title the logo will move to the bottom, it's ok. You can change the width and height, try to use a transparent image. The settings are located in the header.inc file, if your logo isn't transparent you can use a line brake, .

  Let me tell you about the table in the newpage.inc, this is the contents where you data is located. If you change the cellspacing to zero the table will be 100% width, the header and footer will not change. To restore it to normal the cellspacing is set to 15%, more will make it smaller to you readers. You can change it to add another cell, just add an table td between the tr. Td = table cell, tr = table rows.

  Little hint to turn off the ($)setting place a // before the setting. Example: //($)setting, this will turn it off. To turn off menuitem add the // to include code, to turn off a echo add the // to echo code. I have added a new fetcher, swap images buttons called buttonimg.inc. When you add a image you have to rename img1 to img? for next image, this is to keep the images serpent. Note: if you are a webuser the // will not work on the settings, just leave it blank.

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